What is Hurt?

What is Hurt?

... a comment to a post...

What is hurt?...
I also ask many times...
specially when it’s knocking on my door
trespassing  this heart of mine ...

They come in many form 
They crash the heart 
unguarded unarmed...
They ruin our peace 
and fill our hours 
with feelings of tiresome disgust...

they bring nothing good
but all for wrong...

Hurt it is...
When people and things cross our boundaries 
with no due respect
no matter how big or small is the matter...
We hurt...

And our only defense is...
If there is love in our heart... 
we learn how to deal hurt...
We learn to fix ourselves up... 
and clean the mess... 
we learn to forgive...
and not giving a chance for hurt
to reign in our heart...

©️Manuelle Augustine
August 2019


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